Monday, April 30, 2012

Giorsetti's Special

One of the fun things about photography is that you can take this job with you no matter where you go. I have a few trips coming up that I am very excited about, not only for the getaways, but for the photo opportunities and the clients & friends that I will be meeting up with - good times up ahead.

While in my hometown this weekend for a few photo sessions (which went very well and I can't wait to share) I stopped by the last remaining grocery store in town. With vintage wooden floors and the smell of chorizo wafting from the old style butcher counter, I made my way back to my favorite part of the store - the clothing section. In this part of the store, in the very back - you can find real, authentic vintage items. Incredible Hulk t-shirts, dusty button-up western shirts with rhinestones, and stiff-as-a-board Levi's that have sat on the shelves for who knows how long. I could spend hours going through everything and searching for the perfect stuff to bring home, but I never have enough time to pick out more than one or two things. 

I can't believe this pile hasn't disappeared yet: 

(See the disheveled shirts to the left?  That was me)

and look here.. Velcro!

I bet you could run pretty fast in these puppies, maybe even pretty them up with some leg warmers. 

For more of a lounge look - how about these sweet red moccasins:

They just need to be shined up!

They might go perfect with a pair of these: 

(This is my goddaughter, Nikki - this is what is great about living in a small town, you run into someone you know everywhere you go. And if you're like me, you can put them right to work)

I actually liked this shirt a lot, but didn't know anyone who might fit into it: 

(Nikki was starting to get annoyed as my assistant)

I paid her off with ice cream. 

In the end, it was really hard to not go with these two inch heeled, fuzzy, slightly warped bath slippers:

Instead I ended up with a groovy beige shirt that I will show off in my next blog post. 

And chorizo. I couldn't leave Giorsetti's without some chorizo :)

Now, if you live near Winkelman or Hayden, or plan to go to Giosetti's anytime soon - please, please - just stay out of the clothing section. I call dibs on every single last piece of 70's vintage wear. 

(Except maybe the wide-legged Levi's in this post. You can have those)

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