Friday, August 9, 2013

Street Style

Many times I have been out and about and spotted
someone wearing something cute, fun or interesting.
This week I saw too many styles 
I had to stop and ask for a picture.

In the park - sipping on a beer 
with a big ol' gold chain around her neck
red lips and denim shirt around her waist, 
DJ let me take her picture
Lovin' the hair.. wish I was brave enough

While having a beer of my own, Kilt Lifters at Four Peaks
our waitress had cute matte pink nails with one white pinky
Nice ring too

I spent a few hours in the ER with my sis
She had a toothache and a severely swollen face.
I would have a swollen face right now too if I posted her pic
but instead I'll post this one
a girl named Christina was wearing these
cute black leggings
and moccasins with fringe - love!
she was in the ER with a cute guy, maybe her boyfriend 
He needed stitches

Finally, I saw these shoes on a friend of mine
not in the street tho
She posted a pic on Facebook and I stole it
So hot. Perfect for summer.
Thanks 'Desiree

It was fun asking strangers if I could take their pic
though I did resist asking someone who was 
using their long white socks as pockets
and one guy who had a shirt that said
I Love Beaver

Maybe next time

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