Monday, April 30, 2012

Giorsetti's Special

One of the fun things about photography is that you can take this job with you no matter where you go. I have a few trips coming up that I am very excited about, not only for the getaways, but for the photo opportunities and the clients & friends that I will be meeting up with - good times up ahead.

While in my hometown this weekend for a few photo sessions (which went very well and I can't wait to share) I stopped by the last remaining grocery store in town. With vintage wooden floors and the smell of chorizo wafting from the old style butcher counter, I made my way back to my favorite part of the store - the clothing section. In this part of the store, in the very back - you can find real, authentic vintage items. Incredible Hulk t-shirts, dusty button-up western shirts with rhinestones, and stiff-as-a-board Levi's that have sat on the shelves for who knows how long. I could spend hours going through everything and searching for the perfect stuff to bring home, but I never have enough time to pick out more than one or two things. 

I can't believe this pile hasn't disappeared yet: 

(See the disheveled shirts to the left?  That was me)

and look here.. Velcro!

I bet you could run pretty fast in these puppies, maybe even pretty them up with some leg warmers. 

For more of a lounge look - how about these sweet red moccasins:

They just need to be shined up!

They might go perfect with a pair of these: 

(This is my goddaughter, Nikki - this is what is great about living in a small town, you run into someone you know everywhere you go. And if you're like me, you can put them right to work)

I actually liked this shirt a lot, but didn't know anyone who might fit into it: 

(Nikki was starting to get annoyed as my assistant)

I paid her off with ice cream. 

In the end, it was really hard to not go with these two inch heeled, fuzzy, slightly warped bath slippers:

Instead I ended up with a groovy beige shirt that I will show off in my next blog post. 

And chorizo. I couldn't leave Giorsetti's without some chorizo :)

Now, if you live near Winkelman or Hayden, or plan to go to Giosetti's anytime soon - please, please - just stay out of the clothing section. I call dibs on every single last piece of 70's vintage wear. 

(Except maybe the wide-legged Levi's in this post. You can have those)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

Vintage Inspirations

I have had four busy weekends, back to back and there's no end in sight. It is photo session weather in AZ (just beautiful lately) I have been one busy bee. I have been thrown off schedule for the last few weeks and though I am eager to get back into a nice routine of editing, sprucing, hiking, and cooking decent dinners for the familia, I am filled to the brim with inspiration and cannot wait to get it all out. 

Several recent sessions have reignited my love for all things vintage. Here is what is currently revving my creative engine:

Vintage, classic, timeless beauty.  I have had the opportunity to work with many gorgeous, uniquely beautiful women lately and I am going to open another chapter of my photography endeavors to suit the fabulous females who want to capture their individual appeal. More to come on that - I'm excited :)

From sweet little boys & girls, to dashing brides and seductive sirens, everyone has an individual style and I am grateful to be working with people who not only love to express their particular sense, but invite me to help capture it on camera.  It is a breath of fresh air (and fun!) when doing something different, especially when there is a dash of vintage appeal - which is just what we've had in the last few sessions - yay! 

This is the main ingredient for my upcoming sessions. 
I have found the cutest vintage ironing board and cannot wait to dress up my little nieces in spring dresses and polka dot aprons so they can help me do laundry :)
Just one of many fun sessions coming up.... 

Stay inspired :)

(all photos were taken by me during an antique shop excursion with wonderful friends at the Pickle Barrel Trading Post in Globe, AZ)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Winner of photo session giveaway

Thanks to all who entered! 

Another contest will be held in the fall, so keep your eyes on The Little Crown blog and
Facebook page. 

Thank you again!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Party

Jaiden and I had so much fun planning and creating things for her Easter party last weekend. 
There is something about cutting and gluing and glitter and all things crafty that makes me feel like a kid again. Here's a few things we put together :)

The kids LOVED the cascarones and couldn't wait to break them. I remember my parents buying these for me at fiestas when I was a kid and was excited to make them. We actually let the kids personalize their own cascarone by adding faces and fuzzy orange and yellow hair to them :)

It was really fun putting everything together - now it's time to take everything down from the backyard.....

and start drumming up ideas for my nephew's party this summer :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Family Photo Session - Gilbert & Malisa

What more can a photographer ask for when shooting a gorgeous family on a beautiful day at a lovely farm?
I was happy to do these family pics for an old friend who grew up in the same town that I did. 
They are so very blessed - just look at these smiles... gorgeous!!! 

Thank u Gil & Malisa :)